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Naively Building Android Apps with Jenkins. Not Natively, Naively. - DevOps World 2022

Bruno Verachten
Bruno Verachten
August 01, 2022
This is a speaker blogpost for a DevOps World 2022 talk in Orlando, Florida

Come join me at DevOps World 2022 for "Naively Building Android Apps with Jenkins. Not Natively, Naively.", a talk about my journey with Jenkins while trying to build and publish Android applications without prior Jenkins knowledge.

I’ve been tinkering with various CI/CD tools for years (Gitlab CI, Circle CI, Travis CI, Shippable, Github Actions, …​) but not with Jenkins for whatever reason.

I’ve been supporting since 2014 mobile application developers through the use of gitlab-ci.

For DevOpsWorld 2022, I’ve been given a challenge: what if I tried to replicate that well oiled gitlab-centric machinery that I had built for years this time with Jenkins? At least…​ Could I mimic a subset of the functionality of my previous work without knowing anything about Jenkins?

To spice things up a bit, I might as well refrain from looking at what has already been done elsewhere; thus, I may end up with a shaky solution, or even a functional system that can be replicated at will.

Topics will include:

  • What does one need to build an Android application?

  • When your only tool is a hammer, everything looks like a nail (an ode to containerization)

  • Credentials and authentication

  • From Docker to the Cloud?

  • Quality Assurance, Tests, and Deployment

This is not a definitive guide to build an Android application with Jenkins, more like a roadmap to my journey with Jenkins…​ with takeaways from my experience.

Come join me for the presentation in Orlando!

About the author

Bruno Verachten

Bruno Verachten

Bruno is a father of two, husband of one, geek in denial, beekeeper, permie and a Developer Relations for the Jenkins project. He’s been tinkering with continuous integration and continuous deployment since 2013, with various products/tools/platforms (Gitlab CI, Circle CI, Travis CI, Shippable, Github Actions, …​), mostly for mobile and embedded development. He’s passionate about embedded platforms, the ARM ecosystem, and Edge Computing. His main goal is to add FOSS projects and platforms to the ARM architecture, so that it becomes as boring as X86_64. That’s why you’ll see lots of issue openings in his activity for projects that don’t support yet the ARM architecture. He forked tons of existing repos to bring the code to the ARM platform, built some Docker containers that were downloaded several million times, and made very modest contributions to some FOSS repos. He is also running the SBC community website which deals with the OrangePi SBCs.