The following plugin provides functionality available through Pipeline-compatible steps. Read more about how to integrate steps into your Pipeline in the Steps section of the Pipeline Syntax page.

For a list of other such plugins, see the Pipeline Steps Reference page.

$class: 'ExtensibleChoiceParameterDefinition'

  • $class: 'ExtensibleChoiceParameterDefinition'
    • name : String
    • choiceListProvider
      Select a provider that gives choices when build.
        Nested Choice of Objects
      • $class: 'ArtifactoryChoiceListProvider'
        • artifactId : String (optional)
          Mandatory: The artifactId to search for in the repository.
        • classifier : String (optional)
          The Maven Artifact classifier, i.E. "sources". By default leave empty. You can specifiy a list of valid or invalid classifier separated by Comma, i.E. "sources,!jar"
        • credentialsId : String (optional)
          If your repository service requires user authentication, you'll have to configure the username and password here.
        • filterExpression : String (optional)
          Regular expression which filters the returned artifacts. Applied to the whole url. Allows extended grep syntax.
        • groupId : String (optional)
          Optional: The GroupId to search the artifact, i.E. "org.jenkins-ci.plugins"
        • inverseFilter : boolean (optional)
          Show only the results which do not match the regular expression specified in Filter Expression input field.
        • packaging : String (optional)
          Optional: Filters the matching packaging type from the results, i.E. "jar" or "zip". Use a * to return all the values. If parameter is not set, only the parent folder is returned.
        • repositoryId : String (optional)
        • reverseOrder : boolean (optional)
          If the list should be returned in reverse order.
        • url : String (optional)
          Enter the URL of the Artifactory server, i.E.
      • $class: 'FilenameChoiceListProvider'
        • baseDirPath : String
          Specify the path to the directory to scan for files. This path will not be contained in choice list strings. If specified as a relative path, it is considered as relative to ${JENKINS_HOME}.
        • includePattern : String
          Specify the pattern of files to list. Multiple patterns can be specified with separating with comma(,). Wildcard is available like '**/*.xml'. See includes attribute of Ant FileSet Type for the exact format.
        • excludePattern : String
          Specify patterns not to list (even specified in File Name Pattern field). See the help of "File Name Pattern" for the formats of patterns.
        • scanType
          Specify what type of files to list.
          • Values: File, Directory, FileAndDirectory
        • reverseOrder : boolean
          check to list files in reverse alphabetical order. If not checked, files are listed in alphabetical order.
        • emptyChoiceType
          Adds an empty choice to the specified place.
          • Values: None, AtTop, AtEnd
      • $class: 'GlobalTextareaChoiceListProvider'
        • name : String
          Select a name of the choice set, that you have specified in the system configuration.
        • defaultChoice : String
        • addEditedValue : boolean
        • whenToAdd
          • Values: Triggered, Completed, CompletedStable, CompletedUnstable
      • $class: 'MavenCentralChoiceListProvider'
        • artifactId : String (optional)
          Mandatory: The artifactId to search for in the repository.
        • classifier : String (optional)
          The Maven Artifact classifier, i.E. "sources". By default leave empty. You can specifiy a list of valid or invalid classifier separated by Comma, i.E. "sources,!jar"
        • filterExpression : String (optional)
          Regular expression which filters the returned artifacts. Applied to the whole url. Allows extended grep syntax.
        • groupId : String (optional)
          Optional: The GroupId to search the artifact, i.E. "org.jenkins-ci.plugins"
        • inverseFilter : boolean (optional)
          Show only the results which do not match the regular expression specified in Filter Expression input field.
        • packaging : String (optional)
          Optional: Filters the matching packaging type from the results, i.E. "jar" or "zip". Use a * to return all the values. If parameter is not set, only the parent folder is returned.
        • repositoryId : String (optional)
        • reverseOrder : boolean (optional)
          If the list should be returned in reverse order.
      • $class: 'MavenMetadataChoiceListProvider'
        • artifactId : String (optional)
          Mandatory: The exact artifactId to search for in the repository.
        • classifier : String (optional)
        • credentialsId : String (optional)
          If your repository service requires user authentication, you'll have to configure the username/password or token here.
        • filterExpression : String (optional)
          The Regular expression allows to apply a filters on the returned artifacts. Applied to the whole version. Allows extended grep syntax.
        • groupId : String (optional)
          Mandatory: The exact GroupId to search the artifact, i.E. "org.jenkins-ci.plugins".
        • inverseFilter : boolean (optional)
          Show only the results which do not match the regular expression specified in Filter Expression input field.
        • packaging : String (optional)
        • repositoryId : String (optional)
        • reverseOrder : boolean (optional)
          If the list should be returned in reverse order.
        • url : String (optional)
          Enter the base URL to the maven_metadata.xml for a given repository, groupId, artifact.
          It is advised to use virtual repositories which serve all the desired artifacts (snapshots+releases).
          Plugin downloads the following url construct:
          [base_url]/[repository]/[groupId hierarchy expanded]/[artifactId]/maven-metadata.xml
          i.e. base_url:
          repository: myrepository
          artifactId: my-artifactId

      • $class: 'Nexus3ChoiceListProvider'
        • artifactId : String (optional)
          Mandatory/Optional: The artifactId to search for in the repository. Either provide at least the artifactId or the groupId. ArtifactId can contains *
        • classifier : String (optional)
          The Maven Artifact classifier, i.E. "sources". By default leave empty to get the default artifact. You can specifiy a list of valid or invalid classifier separated by Comma, i.E. "sources,!jar" or a "*" to retrieve all classifiers.
        • credentialsId : String (optional)
          If your repository service requires user authentication, you'll have to configure the username and password here.
        • filterExpression : String (optional)
          Regular expression which filters the returned artifacts. Applied to the whole url. Allows extended grep syntax.
        • groupId : String (optional)
          Optional/Mandatory: The GroupId to search the artifact, i.E. "org.jenkins-ci.plugins". If ArtifactId is not defined you have to specify at least the GroupId.
        • inverseFilter : boolean (optional)
          Show only the results which do not match the regular expression specified in Filter Expression input field.
        • packaging : String (optional)
          Optional: Filters the matching packaging type from the results, i.E. "jar" or "zip". Use a * to return all the values. If parameter is not set, only the parent folder is returned.
        • repositoryId : String (optional)
          Optional: The repositoryId which should be searched, i.E. "snapshots" or "releases"
        • reverseOrder : boolean (optional)
          If the list should be returned in reverse order.
        • url : String (optional)
          Enter the URL of the Nexus server, i.E.
      • $class: 'NexusChoiceListProvider'
        • artifactId : String (optional)
          Mandatory/Optional: The artifactId to search for in the repository. Either provide at least the artifactId or the groupId. ArtifactId can contains *
        • classifier : String (optional)
          The Maven Artifact classifier, i.E. "sources". By default leave empty. You can specifiy a list of valid or invalid classifier separated by Comma, i.E. "sources,!jar"
        • credentialsId : String (optional)
          If your repository service requires user authentication, you'll have to configure the username and password here.
        • filterExpression : String (optional)
          Regular expression which filters the returned artifacts. Applied to the whole url. Allows extended grep syntax.
        • groupId : String (optional)
          Optional/Mandatory: The GroupId to search the artifact, i.E. "org.jenkins-ci.plugins". If ArtifactId is not defined you have to specify at least the GroupId.
        • inverseFilter : boolean (optional)
          Show only the results which do not match the regular expression specified in Filter Expression input field.
        • packaging : String (optional)
          Optional: Filters the matching packaging type from the results, i.E. "jar" or "zip". Use a * to return all the values. If parameter is not set, only the parent folder is returned.
        • repositoryId : String (optional)
          Optional: The repositoryId which should be searched, i.E. "snapshots" or "releases"
        • reverseOrder : boolean (optional)
          If the list should be returned in reverse order.
        • url : String (optional)
          Enter the URL of the Nexus server, i.E.
      • $class: 'SystemGroovyChoiceListProvider'
        • groovyScript
            Nested Object
          • script : String
          • sandbox : boolean
            If checked, run this Groovy script in a sandbox with limited abilities. If unchecked, and you are not a Jenkins administrator, you will need to wait for an administrator to approve the script.
          • classpath
            Additional classpath entries accessible from the script.
              Array / List of Nested Object
            • path : String
              A path or URL to a JAR file. This path should be approved by an administrator or a user with the RUN_SCRIPT permission, or the script fails. If the file or files are once approved, they are treated approved even located in another path.
            • oldPath : String (optional)
            • shouldBeApproved : boolean (optional)
          • oldScript : String (optional)
        • defaultChoice : String
        • usePredefinedVariables : boolean

          Enable following pre-defined variables:

          The project. An instance of Job.
      • $class: 'TextareaChoiceListProvider'
        • choiceListText : String
        • defaultChoice : String
        • addEditedValue : boolean
        • whenToAdd
          • Values: Triggered, Completed, CompletedStable, CompletedUnstable
    • editable : boolean
      With checked, you can specify a parameter other than those in the choice. Of course, you can also select a parameter from the choice.
    • description : String (optional)
    • editableType (optional)
      • Values: NoFilter, Filter

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